We got a bit of a late start on our first trip of the spring. Both in time of year, but also time of day. We left just as rush hour traffic started, which delayed us arriving even more.
Small windmill farm at the base of Spanish Fork Canyon. (DBP Album)
Spanish Fork Canyon has a large assortment of colors and landscapes. Really rather pretty. (DBP Album)
According to the atlas I was using to guide us there, there is a peak named Indian Head Peak, I assumed this was it I see a face at the top there. However upon the return trip it did not seem to match the correct spot on the map. Meh, either way I think it’s cool.
The almost full moon came up quite a while before the sun went down.
I loved the glow coming off the east horizon while the sun set in the west. Either all the red rock reflecting the light, or all the dust picked up by the wind, or a combination must cause this. Either way it’s pretty cool! (DBP Album)
After the long drive we finally arrive. We knew Arches was full but knew there were various other camp grounds we could look into, so we pushed on to the town of Moab. Wow. Moab is not at all like what I expected. The phrase tourist trap doesn’t even begin to describe it! I don’t know why I expected different, any town outside a popular national park seems to be the same thing, I guess it just kind of shocked me with how many people were there.
I did get a shot of this cool mural on the side of Black Spider Bikes.
It was after 10 PM, after a futile hunt for an open BLM run campground we resigned to the fact that we were stuck paying the extra money for a private run ground. The one we found was full but had decided to capitalize on a busy weekend, and had opened up their group site, and playground for open camping. Didn’t sound too enticing, but we looked, found a quiet corner to ourselves and decided well, we don’t really have much of an option.
It was weird, it kind of felt like we were camped with a bunch of hippies at some major concert/festival type thing. But ultimately, it turned out to be pretty cool. We’re night owls, we were up just about until the loudest partiers had decided to go to bed themselves. And as much as it sucked at the moment, the typical morning campers getting up and getting going for the day got us up early enough to really get a full day of exploring in, so that turned into a win as well.
Our crowded “hippy commune” lol.
The view wasn’t bad though.
Day 2 Pt. 1 The Park! South End.
We got a rather early start for us today, and drove the mile or so north into Arches National Park.
The visitor center has this cool statue up front. I don’t think I saw a single animal represented here.
You can’t see it in this shot, but this shows the drive up into the park (The road is on the other side of the white rocks). You have to climb up to the top of the plateau to actually get into the park. I don’t know why but this short trip up kind of made me nervous.
First stop was Park Avenue. Ok this is silly, but due to the name, I assumed this was a side drive. Turns out it is a 1 mile hike. If you have someone with you who doesn’t want to, or cant, hike, have them meet you at the other side. Otherwise it turns into a 2 mile hike, but it is really cool to do.
It looks like that rock could tumble off at any moment.
View from the south end.
Pretty flowers.
These piles of rocks were everywhere, I thought it was just people stacking rocks. After 5 or 6 the novelty ran out, I thought everybody just wanted to have their own little pile. Turns out, this is intentional and if I had read the sign on the way in, rather than the way out I would have known these are called cairns and are designed to let you know you are still on the trail.
Public service announcement: It is a really good idea to read the signs BEFORE you hike down the trail. Luckily we didn’t stray and get lost, but that really startled me.
As I was taking this picture, another photographer to my right asked: “if you were going to put a name to it, what would it be?”
Me: “Uh… Desert sunflower I spose?”
Dude: RudbeckiaMe: “O wow, cool thanks! I appreciate that.”
Dude: “I only know because the lady before you told me.”
Me: “Cool! actually I really appreciate that, I love random knowledge! Thanks!”
A few steps down the trail.Landis: “Are you going to remember that?”
Me: :No. Well, no I take that back, probably. My brain stores all sorts of useless facts.”
yea, totally forgot it. Darn.
Luckily Landis recorded it, looking at google images seems about right, but I am neither confirming or denying it at the moment.
They call these potholes. If you see one, don’t disturb it. Vital unique desert life thrive in these.
Another pretty desert flower
Fun desert texture.
The Three Gossips.
I believe this is Courthouse Towers.
The Three Gossips and a window.
This is the other end of the trail where if you have another rider to pick you up you are done. Otherwise you turn back.
More texture.
South end from the north.
Stairs up.
Overall this is an awesome little hike. No real arches but a lot of fun desert scenery.
Lasal Mountains viewpoint. This was better on the way out, so if you happen to notice a change in lighting, it would be because it is much later in the day.
Well here is why I don’t like to put my trips out of order, this doesn't quite fit here, but it’s the best place to put it.
The Three Gossips look a little more sinister from this direction.
Back to the viewpoint: From left to right: The Three Gossips, Sheep Rock, Courthouse Towers.
A quick stitch which shows quite a few landmarks including the above listed, but also balanced rock and the windows section.
Random DBP shot.
Petrified Dunes. The first turn out doesn’t really give you the view that the 2nd one does.
Quick glimpse of the views to come in the windows section.
Next came Balanced rock. Unfortunately the parking lot was full, so we returned on the way out.
What a difference a few hours makes in light.
A view of the Windows Section and the La Sal Mountains.
After that we drove down to the windows section. There are a couple of trails here, we started with the Windows Loop which is only about a mile.
Double Arch from a distance.
North Window
In a few hundred years this may become more north window.
This end of the park was rather crowded. Short of arriving earlier, or during a less busy time of year, I don’t think I could have waited out a shot with no people.
Don’t look up. Just don’t. Wait till I get to Landscape Arch and you will fully understand.
Still North Window.
Turret Arch.
Some fool climbed it!
South window.
North and South Windows. Kind of looks like an evil face.
Turret Arch. Now before you get upset, these 3 arches are all just right here, so I keep flipping from 1 to the other.
In fact, South Window through Turret Arch.
Sans people.
Double Arch looked alright, but I thought you could pretty much get what you were going to see from the trail head, and almost decided not to hike out to it. After a quick lunch, and a review of the map we learned it was only a half mile out and back so we went for it.
I am glad we did it, I think this is my favorite arch we hiked to all day. Again, very crowded but very cool!
Kind of looks like a face.
I really like this shot. by focusing on the further away branch I got an extra level of depth I would have lost had I focused on the closer flowers.
Returning to the road we passed Parade Of Elephants.
I believe this is Cove of Caves, and Cove Arch.
There are a couple more landmarks we missed in the area.
We stopped by Garden Of Eden but didn’t hike it.
Panorama Point. It’s pretty but not much to it.
Wow, this post is already quite long. So, quick change of plans. I will split this day here as the Southern section below the Delicate Arch Junction.
Click here to continue on to Part 2 the Northern Section.
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