Quick Details:
Length: About 2.7 miles out and back.
Trail Type: Out and back or point to point with shuttle.
Difficulty: DR2. It’s paved, some mild ups and downs.
Elevation Gain: About 115 feet.
Restroom: Not at the trailhead and I don’t recall if there was one at any of the parks.
Dogs? Yes, leash required.
To Get Here:
Take 90th south in West Jordan to to 4000 west and head south. About 2/10ths of a mile turn right on Teton Estates Dr. Take the first left onto Colter Bay Cir. Park at the end of the circle.
The Trail:

The little open space area from the trailhead.
Area rules.

Bingham Creek below. Not a lot of water in it at the moment.

There are houses on either side of the gully, but for the most part, the trail is far enough away from them that it doesn’t feel as obtrusive as some trails can.

Well this is interesting. How do you get a canal to cross a creek?

The Welby Jacob Canal. I guess there is a trail that follows this as well. Might have to hold onto that for another day like today.

The little gully below.

The paved trail with the Oquirrh Mountains in the background.

Downy woodpecker. I heard him pecking, so I started to look for him. I get these in my yard so I didn’t bother trying to change to the telephoto lens for this guy, but here is a digital crop. Kind of wish I had pulled out the telephoto though, I only seem to get females (or the same female) and this is a male. Meh.

Don’t forget to turn around and take in the Wasatch Mountains occasionally.

There are quite a few stairways that connect different neighborhoods into the gully.

The 2nd road crossing. This one is a little higher speed traffic, but there is a crossing light if you need it.
On the other side of it there is a baseball diamond. I don’t know whose bright idea it was to put a walking path behind the outfield end of a baseball diamond (did I get that sports reference right?), but keep your head up if anybody is using it. We had a pretty close call because they couldn’t be bothered to pause their pitching practice for 30 seconds while we passed.

The gully again.

Near the west end of the trail you will see this big retaining wall, and be closest to the creek.

Layers of ice.

This end of the trail skirts the Glenmore Golf Course.

The 3rd road crossing you get a tunnel to cross underneath.

After going through the tunnel the trail curves back towards the road and abruptly ends. Alrighty then. I suppose if you wanted, you could keep wandering around on the neighborhood sidewalks, but meh. We turned around.

The golf course again.

Back to the tunnel.

On the way back you get to enjoy the view of the Wasatch Mountains.


Capped with clouds.

The gully again.

Going by the tennis court, the lower street crossing and the lower park.

Why does it seem that people tend to dump garbage into streams and rivers?

Down to the open area.

Last look at the creek.

Aww, most of the snow if gone, but this guy is still hanging on.
Well, its an urban neighborhood trail, however it was enjoyable. It had some great views of the mountains on both ends of the valley. It also seems to be a good place to enjoy some birds as well, I even saw a Kestrel, just didn't manage to get a picture. It wasn’t too busy today either. Meh, we’ll go with 6 squirrels.

As for difficulty, its pretty easy going and paved. DR2.
Dogs are allowed, but must be leashed.

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