The section between Birnam Woods and Glovers Ln is the longest between trailheads, so I split it into two parts. Last time I went from Birnam Woods to mile marker 9.5, today I decided to go from Glovers Ln south to MM 9.5 (which is a little backwards as I have been slowly making my way up northwards, but short of being airdropped, there wasn’t a way around that.
Previous Sections:
South end where it connects to the Jordan River Parkway to Center Street.
Center St. To 2425 S Segment.
2425 S to 5th south
5th S to Mill Creek,
a loop starting at Mill Creek
Pages Lane to Birnam Woods loop.
Birnam Woods to mile marker 9.5
Quick Details:
Length: 2.77 mile out and back.
Trail Type: Out and Back with longer Out and Back, or longer loop options.
Difficulty: DR2. Flat, paved.
Elevation Gain: about 30 feet.
Restroom: No.
Dogs? Yes, leashed.
Other Info: This is not one of the official Legacy Parkway Trailheads. However it is signed, and has direct access, and I did not see anything that would prohibit parking on the side of the road. If you prefer, the next trailhead is at 250 S 450 w and will add about 8/10’s of a mile (1 way).
To Get Here:
From NB i15 take exit 322. Take the right fork on the exit towards 200 w. Take the very first right onto Frontage road. Take that to the stop sign on Glovers Lane and turn right. Take Glovers Ln over the bridge and look for trail sign on the right. If you hit the light you went to far.
The Trail:

Short little side trail to get you down to the Legacy Parkway Trail.
For the most part The Legacy Parkway Trail has pretty adequate signage. As I have mentioned before though, I would like to see mileage added. For example it would be a little less than 4 miles to Parrish Lane.

Heading south and back under Glovers Ln.

Some gray clouds, but otherwise it is a lovely day.

My pups always enjoy a new trail to explore.

There is a lovely stream to enjoy along the way. You can’t hear it over the highway, but it’s pretty.

Mile Marker 10.5. After today I only have a little over 3 miles left and I can say I have done the whole thing.

The little stream again.

View of the Oquirrh Mountains.

Fun clouds.

Back of the 'Welcome to Farmington' sign. So I assumed I had crossed into Centerville but, well, we’ll come back to that.

Front of it.

The miles are slightly off between the Legacy Parkway and the Legacy Parkway Trail. They aren’t completely parallel.

Bridge over Steed Creek. So that is what we have been following. We still need to explore Steed Canyon. We tried once but had to turn around due to high water.

Steed Creek.

Steed Canyon is on the left here, Davis Canyon on the right. Weird, because I know Davis Creek is just north of here from when we did the lower section. But I know they re-routed a lot of the creeks around here so I guess it makes sense. o.O

The trail and the mountains to the south.

Mile Marker 10. Almost to the intended destination.

Nice little wooded section.

Random empty bird feeder. I wonder if somebody regularly fills it.

Another little stream.

Antelope Island out to the west. I was trying to find Dooley Knob, that we did last week, but I can’t quite make it out.

The Freedom Hills Switchback Trail. I need to go back and head south through those gullies.
Edit: Since it was fresh on my mind I decided to return the next day and check them out.

Now we have reached Centerville. That’s weird, I thought I was already in Centerville.. So a quick look at the Davis county map, and it looks like the previous section is unincorporated.

These cute benches are found fairly frequently all along the trail.

Fun reflection.

Nice little pond.

It is a deep green.

We have reached the 9.5 mile marker! Wewt! This ended up being about 1.4 miles from the TH. Normally I would have pushed on a little further to even out a good 1.5 (3 mile round trip) but I have definitely crossed over to where I was when I approached from the other end. So, meh.

The little pond is bifurcated by a random canal.
Well, time to head on back north.

Antelope Island again. This time I think I could faintly make out Dooley Knob.

The Freedom Hills Switchbacks again.

Baer Canyon and the radar dome above.

Uh oh. It looks like a storm might be coming in. We ended up only getting sprinkled on a little bit so, phew!

Some random old trailers on this property.

Leaving Centerville. You know it’s kind of neat, doing this trail I have gone from North Salt Lake, to Woods Cross, to West Bountiful, to Centerville, and now Farmington. I mean, not all on the same day, but it is neat to cross all those cities on one trail.

Davis Canyon. I think you can just make out El Capitan to the left.

Steed and Davis Canyons.

The pups are still doing okay, but I think they just want to be back in the car at this point. This is a little longer trail than they are used too.

Mile marker 10. Just a little over a half mile to go.

Trees and clouds.

The trail.


Back to Steed Creek.

Davis Canyon again.

Steed Canyon.

The creek again.

Entering Farmington City.

Some little cascades.

Steed and Davis Canyons again.

Mile marker 10.5 almost done. And again, I have almost completed the entire trail wewt!

Now I can see Glovers Ln.

Can just make out Indian Annie Rock in Davis Canyon.

Heading under Glovers Lane.
Trail sign.

The little spur back to the road.
Well, that was a nice little walk. I enjoyed the more natural setting but couldn’t overlook the noise of the freeway again. Also, the bikers were very abundant today. Although it is Utah, so most of them were very considerate and let me know they were approaching. I did make an effort to keep the pups in the right hand lane with me still, just to be safe. We did not have an incident. I thought I would enjoy this section a bit more than I did, but I am going to go with 5 out of 10 squirrels today.
I only have a few short miles left to go to finally complete this trail, but I am not sure how much I will enjoy them as it seems to go into the heart of Farmington. I guess we will see, but I will complete this trail!

As for difficulty, this was generally flat, paved, and well, easy going. DR2 for sure.
Dogs are allowed, leashed. Please clean up after your furry friends.

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