Sunday, July 19, 2009

Karaoke, Booze, and FIRE!!!!

My friend Vee knows how to celebrate her birthday. I mean, every year it seems to become more of an event than a birthday party. Which is awesome! Your birthday is YOUR holiday what better reason to throw a kick ass party? I know I always try to make it a big event for mine though I must say, none of my birthdays have ever come close.

We arrive to what looks like a block party, the whole neighborhood is here. (it helps she has cool neighbors) and the music is really going. We eat have a blast and the Karaoke starts up.

Summer Lovin (happened so fa-ast)

DSC_0862 V Gets down with the ladies.

DSC_0867 Me looking all punk.

Then the Fire-Dancers arrive. This is the 4th time I have seen various members of this fire dancing group (3 of the 4 at Jess and V’s home) and finally for fucks sake the first time I have my camera. I took an assload of images but will only share a few of my favorites here.DSC_0871  Dragons Eye

So when I was talking with this fire dancer he told me his favorite image someone had taken of him, the fire seemed to resemble a Phoenix. Now, I don’t know if he put this in my head and that’s why I see it here, but I see a Phoenix.
 DSC_0876 DSC_0888 DSC_0905 wow

DSC_0939 DSC_0950a DSC_0959a Hot. O and the fire is probably warm too.

DSC_0967 DSC_0985 DSC_0999 Fire Wheel – This is one of my favorites.

DSC_0001 DSC_0010 DSC_0018 DSC_0029 Of course the Birthday girl gets a chance to play with fire

Okay I shared more than I anticipated, it’s just as I had anticipated, there were a LOT of great photos.

Then the Karaoke started back up and it was getting to midnight, and I mean, this was LOUD I felt like I was at some sort of festival, and I just kept waiting for the cops to come, and they never did. I found out later she had gotten a permit to be loud until midnight. Did I fucking tell you this girl knows how to throw a party!

All in all it was a wonderful night, I am so happy to have been a part of it.
Drunken Shenanigans brought to you by Bud Lite. Hehe.

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