Sunday, March 27, 2011

Evening Stroll Down The Ogden River Trail.


We were out for a family event in Ogden and while there I noticed how high and fast the Ogden River was flowing, so I decided to go for a walk. I was joined by a few people in the family who agreed it would be nice..


DSC_0700 Under Bridge Rapid

 DSC_0712 Nobody could capture this in a picture, but this branch was dipping into the river, being pushed downstream and out and back again. Like an oar being rowed.

DSC_0726  DSC_0753 Next the the river sits the Ogden Rodeo Grounds and this building with a series of interesting murals painted on the backside. Here are a couple of my favorites.

DSC_0752 DSC_0755 DSC_0756 DSC_0757 DSC_0759 DSC_0760 DSC_0761

DSC_0747 Here you can see the swollen levels of the river.

DSC_0748 Other than the constant heart attack it is to have kids around such a raging river, they can be darned cute sometimes.

DSC_0750 DSC_0770 DSC_0765 DSC_0777 Reached a section of rapids and played with some long exposure shots. 

DSC_0789 Once you get passed the Rodeo Grounds and a few private residents the trail gets kind of pretty in and of itself. At this point we decided to turn back towards home, the kids were getting restless and it looked like rain.

DSC_0793 Big Ol Tree

DSC_0794 I loved this unidentified tree. (mind you I have an active imagination) but I thought it resembled a witch hunched over and reaching into the river.

DSC_0796 DSC_0797 DSC_0805 Nice clouds.

Considering how much the area has been ravaged by mans hand, it is still a nice stroll. Next time we are in the area we are going to take the trail the other direction towards the canyon. It’s closer to the road, but who knows what we might find.

As someone who loves nature, and kind of resents mans desire to destroy it, I actually rather liked this trail, even though the hand of man is strong in the area. I think Ogden is doing really well in attempting to balance what the people of Ogden's past have done, and returning the river to it’s original beauty.

Final Squirrel Rating: 7. It is a super easy paved trail, right next to the city, but still feels natural enough that it is enjoyable.

squirrels 7

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