Sunday, September 29, 2024

Killyon Canyon - Left Fork

 Killyon Canyon is a pretty canyon near the top of Emigration Canyon in Salt Lake City. The trail features a creek, and a pretty mixed forest. I was wanting to walk amongst the fall foliage so we thought we would do this one again. Even if it is one we tend to do fairly often.

Quick Details:

Length: We did about 4 miles out and back, but it does keep going.
Trail Type: Out and back.
Difficulty: DR3. It is mostly a pretty gentle climb.
Elevation Gain: We did about 780 feet.
Restroom: No.
Dogs? Yes, leashed.
Other Info:

To Get Here:

Head approximately 7 miles up Emigration Canyon. At the first hairpin turn there is a road called Pinecrest Canyon Road on the left. About 3/10’s of a mile down that road you will see a small parking area on the right (signed), and a little overflow area just up on the left (not signed). This is just before where the road forks.

You will take the road on the right (Killyons Lane.) and continue up on foot for about 6/10ths of a mile before reaching the trailhead. You cannot park anywhere on Killyons Lane.

Heading into Emigration Canyon (Passenger Seat Photography (PSP)).

Some splashes of color (PSP).

More color (PSP).

We had good luck with the one lane road light today and caught it on green both ways (PSP).

More color along the canyon road (PSP).

The turn off onto Pinecrest Canyon Road (PSP).

The Trail:

Some color at the trailhead parking lot.


Just a little ways up from the parking area is a fork in the road. You want to head right up Killyons Lane.

More color.

Super pretty up here.

Before long we come to the upper section of Killyons Lane. This used to be dirt and was only paved somewhat recently, sometime after 2021.

More color.

I am pretty sure this epic tree fort is new. It is in someone's yard so not exactly something we can go explore, but its neat.

More color.

At about 6/10ths of a mile you reach this emergency vehicle turnaround. It looks like a parking lot, but it is definitely not. Just beyond it is the original trailhead.

More color.

On to the trail.

Some yellows and purples.

Emigration Creek.

Colorful hillside.

More color.

Some kind of flower going to seed.

More color.

About 9/10ths of a mile up we reach the dedication stone. I wonder why it is about 3/10ths of a mile up from the beginning of the trail.

This area was permanently protected as open space in December 2010. I love that Salt Lake City has been and is continuing to make efforts to preserve open spaces for us to enjoy.

Area rules, and of course one of my favorite signs I see on local trails “There is no poop fairy”. Basically a whimsical way to remind you to pick up after your dogs.

The first little bridge.



Bend in the creek.


Colorful hillside.

Colorful trail.

I love the purples.

Pretty maples.

The second bridge.




A sad little aster.

More color.

Short section with 2 landslides. It’s not that bad, but I don’t like it.

The view looking back is pretty good though.

2nd landslide.

Some fading pinks.


At about 1.2 miles you come to this split. Right, or forward leads to the top of the ridge, and to a few peaks. Left leads to a smaller side canyon that I am not sure if it is named or not, so I just call it left fork.

Some nice color by the creek.

Last bridge over Emigration Creek. It looks like it has been damaged a little. Probably from one of the 2 last epic winters we had.

The creek.

Pretty hillside.

Looking toward the ridge.

Some bright reds.

Orange and yellow.

Big tree.


More color.

Red maple leaf.

Very narrow trail.

More reds.

A particularly tall conifer.

Splashes of color.

Another little creek. This joins Emigration Creek below, but I don’t know what it is called.

Leaf littered trail.

More color.

Burdock leaves catching other leaves.

More color.

Some little blue berries of some sort.

More splashes of color.

Fallen tree.

The trail can get a little hard to see this time of year.

The trail gets kind of thin above the creek here.

The creek again.

Gnarly old tree.

The creek.

Through the old trees.

Looking up.


Another haggard looking bridge.

My goal for the day was 2 miles, this bridge was just short of that. Well, the skies opened up here and it started raining. So we decided we were close enough. Honestly, like another 5-10 steps would have clicked it over to 2 miles.

There was no mention of rain in todays forecast. Oi.



Okay, seriously, heading back down now.

Random rock wall/bench.

Continuing down.


Fallen log we had to climb over.



Pale pinks.


Color split.


Yellow. I’m not sure what tree makes these leaves.

Lets toss in some green leaves. Since I don’t really take photos of them very often.

There really is just something magical being in a mixed forest this time of year.

Fun geranium leaves.

Thin trail.

Thin trail through the grass.

Pine needles.

Colorful patch.


I have been curious about these seemingly random signs in this clearing for a while. I managed to get a clear enough image of the back one that I could zoom in on. It says: “Snow Measurement Site. Do not travel between signs.”

I think they would benefit from put that info on both sides of each sign. I generally try to stay on the trail but if I was more curious I might have veered put to read it. Of course, it isn’t snowy right now so not an issue today, but you know, I am not the only curious person.

Little aster.


Back to the wonky bridge.

Back to where the 2 trails connect.

The rain was kind of coming on and off the whole way down, but it looks like it is clearing up!

Pretty forest.

Pretty purple leaves.

Thin yellow leaves.

Down to the middle bridge.

More yellow leaves.

I rounded a corner and something caught my eye. Whew!

I just love a good rainbow. I like a good double rainbow too. This one is just a partial double.


Another nice colorful patch.

Colorful hillside.

Unfortunately the rainbow is fading fast.

The lower bridge.

Nice clear water.

Pretty purple.




Another particularly colorful patch.

Short hill we have to climb back up, then back down.

This hill is just getting started.

The creek.


The creek.

Orange surrounded by yellow.


More color.

Back to the emergency vehicle turnaround, and the original trailhead. Just 6/10 of a mile down the road to go.

I don’t know what exactly occurred that they banned parking up here (it happened before I discovered this trail) but it is kid of frustrating as there are a few pull outs that could accommodate 8 cars or so. I've lived long enough to understand people suck, and don't think the rules apply to them, but it still sucks that whatever happened ruined it for the rest of us.

Color along the road.

Little purple asters.

More color.

Colorful hills.


Continuing down.

Back to Pinecrest Canyon Road. Which means we are almost back to the parking area.

More color.

Heading back down Emigration Canyon (PSP). We considered driving up over the pass and into East Canyon but it was getting dark, so we opted to just head down and find dinner.

Fun clouds (PSP).

Nearing the mouth of the canyon (PSP).

The mouth of the canyon (PSP).

Nice little sunset (PSP).

I was a little inspired on our hike today so I made this.

A little fall rainbow.

Well, this is a nice little hike. The colors were not as vibrant as I was hoping today. I suspect this extended warm weather this year might have something to do with that. But, it was not busy, only ran across 1 other couple, and its a pretty hike. So, I’m going with 8 out of 10 squirrels today.

As for difficulty, it is a pretty mild climb for as far as we went. DR3.

Dogs are allowed, leashed. Please clean up after your furry friends.

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